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Eggerstedter Weg 12
25421, Pinneberg, Germany
Write us an email
email: support@conyu.de
Write us an email
email: contact@conyu.de
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions; you may already find some answers here:
Yes, very many that we are happy to name as a reference in a conversation. We also have the possibility to provide reference customers for a conversation and exchange.
Yes, we also provide a lot of consulting services for international companies. Our Quick Checks in particular are used internationally.
CONYU intern employs 5 permanent specialists with different areas of focus. In addition, we work with more than 30 experts to whom we have quick access per project.
Via our contact buttons on our homepage. If you want to speed things up, our chat assistant at the bottom right of the screen is always there for you. For a direct appointment click HERE.
Yes, of course we can also make small packages such as our Quickchecks or for other needs possible for your requirement. Talk to us:-)
It is very important to us that our customers are satisfied. Therefore, we collect feedback during the cooperation. If we still miss the target, we also accommodate our customers.